La couleur bleue, omniprésente dans notre environnement, possède une richesse symbolique qui traverse les âges et les...
L'utlisation de batonnets
Use my video tutorials for making decorative objects in epoxy resin and acrylic resin.
Ceramic powder casting
Learn the technique of pouring or pouring acrylic paint.
Polystyrene balls: creative supports for a magical Christmas! Polystyrene balls are versatile and affordable supports for making personalized Christmas decorations. Easy to work with and personalize, they lend themselves to all creative desires. Discover different techniques to transform these simple spheres into real works of art and illuminate your interior during the end-of-year holidays.
Resin, whether epoxy or acrylic, has become a favorite material for amateur and professional creators, offering endless possibilities for creating unique and personalized objects. But which resin to choose for your projects? Each has specific advantages and disadvantages.