Meaning of the 7 Chakras: What are the 7 Chakras, what do they symbolize? Why do the chakras close or vibrate?...
What are Chakras?
1) How do the chakras work and what are the symbols?
The seven chakras: a wheel of vital energy
In Eastern spiritual traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and yoga, the chakras are considered energy centers located along the spine. These vortexes of life energy, or prana, play a fundamental role in our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. Each of the seven main chakras is associated with a color, location in the body, specific organs, emotions and aspects of consciousness.
The seven main chakras:
• Root chakra (Muladhara):
o Location: Base of the spine
o Symbolism: Rooting, security, survival, instinct
o Associated organs: Kidneys, bladder, bones
o Blockages: Fears, insecurities, financial problems
• Sacral chakra (Svadhisthana):
o Location: Lower abdomen
o Symbolism: Creativity, sexuality, emotions, pleasure
o Associated organs: Reproductive organs, excretory system
o Blockages: Relationship problems, guilt, lack of self-esteem
• Solar plexus chakra (Manipura):
o Location: Solar plexus
o Symbolism: Personal power, will, digestion
o Associated organs: Stomach, liver, spleen, pancreas
o Blockages: Lack of self-confidence, digestive problems, anger
• Heart Chakra (Anahata):
o Location: Center of the chest
o Symbolism: Unconditional love, compassion, healing
o Associated organs: Heart, lungs, thymus
o Blockages: Sadness, resentment, difficulty loving
• Throat chakra (Vishuddha):
o Location: Gorge
o Symbolism: Communication, self-expression, truth
o Associated organs: Throat, neck, thyroid
o Blockages: Difficulty expressing oneself, shyness, lies
• Third eye (Ajna):
o Location: Between the eyebrows
o Symbolism: Intuition, inner wisdom, clairvoyance
o Associated organs: Brain, nervous system
o Blockages: Confusion, lack of concentration, illusions
• Crown Chakra (Sahasrara):
o Location: Top of the skull
o Symbolism: Spiritual connection, unity, cosmic consciousness
o Associated organs: Whole brain
o Blockages: Spiritual disconnection, feeling of isolation
2) Why do the chakras close or vibrate?
Chakras can open or close in response to different factors, such as:
- Stress: Stress can lead to muscle tension that blocks the flow of energy through the chakras.
- Repressed emotions: Unexpressed negative emotions can stagnate in the chakras and block them.
- Trauma: Traumatic experiences can leave energetic scars that affect the chakras.
- Lack of self-care: An unbalanced diet, lack of sleep and a sedentary lifestyle can weaken the chakras.
3) Chakras: colors and associated stones
Colors and stones are often used in lithotherapy to balance and harmonize the chakras. Each color vibrates at a specific frequency that resonates with a particular chakra. Stones, on the other hand, are concentrates of vibrational energy that can help cleanse and recharge the chakras.
Root chakra (Muladhara):
Color: Red
Associated stones: Garnet, onyx, hematite
Sacral chakra (Svadhisthana):
Color: Orange
Associated stones: Carnelian, orange calcite, amber
Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura):
Color: Yellow
Associated stones: Citrine, tiger's eye, yellow topaz
Heart chakra (Anahata):
Color: Green
Associated stones: Jade, aventurine, rose quartz
Throat chakra (Vishuddha):
Color: Light blue
Associated stones: Turquoise, lapis lazuli, angelite
Third eye (Ajna):
Color: Indigo
Associated stones: Amethyst, lapis lazuli, tiger's eye
Crown chakra (Sahasrara):
Color: Purple
Associated stones: Amethyst, rock crystal, selenite
In summary, chakras are subtle energy centers that influence our overall well-being. By understanding how they work and practicing techniques such as meditation, yoga and lithotherapy, it is possible to harmonize these energy centers and live a more balanced and fulfilled life.
4) My macramé suspensions with the stones of the 7 chakras
Discover in video the explanations on the chakras and my suspensions made in macramé with natural stones.
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