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Lithotherapy: how does it work?

The origins of lithotherapy: an ancestral heritage

Traces of lithotherapy go back to the dawn of time. Many ancient civilizations, such as the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans or Native Americans, attributed healing and spiritual powers to stones. Precious stones adorned the jewelry of the pharaohs, amulets protected warriors, and crystals were used in shamanic rituals.

If knowledge and practices have evolved over the centuries, the fundamental principle of lithotherapy has remained the same: each stone has a unique vibration, capable of interacting with our own energy and providing us with support on different levels.

How does lithotherapy work?

Lithotherapy is based on the hypothesis that stones are true concentrates of energy. These energies, called vibrational, would be capable of interacting with our energy field, rebalancing it and bringing us deep well-being.

The mechanisms of action of lithotherapy are not yet scientifically proven. However, several theories exist:

  • Chakra theory: According to this theory, the stones act on the chakras, these energy centers located along the spine. Each chakra would be associated with a color and a specific stone, thus making it possible to rebalance the energy flow.
  • Resonance Theory: The stones would vibrate at a particular frequency, creating a resonance with our own vibrational frequency. This resonance would reharmonize our body and our mind.
  • Placebo effect: Some scientists suggest that the benefits of lithotherapy are due to a placebo effect. Simply believing in the power of stones could lead to an improvement in your general condition.

The stones most used in lithotherapy and their virtues

Many stones are used in lithotherapy, each having specific properties. Here are some of the best known:

  • Rose quartz: Symbol of unconditional love, it soothes emotional tensions and promotes opening the heart.
  • Amethyst: Known for its soothing properties, it promotes meditation and relaxation.
  • Tiger's eye: Stone of protection, it strengthens self-confidence and brings courage.
  • Moonstone: Linked to intuition and femininity, it promotes sleep and soothes emotions.
  • Obsidian: Stone of truth, it helps overcome trauma and promotes emotional healing.

It is important to note that lithotherapy does not replace medical treatment. The stones can be used in addition to conventional therapy, but they should in no case replace the advice of a healthcare professional.

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In conclusion

Lithotherapy is an ancestral practice that continues to fascinate with its promises of well-being. Although the mechanisms of action are not yet fully understood, many people testify to the benefits of this gentle and natural method.

If you wish to get started with lithotherapy, it is advisable to obtain information from a specialized therapist or consult reference books. Remember that choosing a stone should be guided by your intuition and personal needs.

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